Blog post 8- EOTO Terms & Concepts

 Garrett Norberg

June 26, 2022


For propaganda, the implications are the public being misinformed about a topic or person. This could be very bad as we have seen in past history. For example, Hitler had propaganda that the German people say and agreed with, and look at what happened with that. Some good that could come from it would be a good leader using propaganda to just highlight their strengths of themselves. The implications for disinformation would be a lot of people believing something that is just not true, to begin with. With The U.S. Information and Educational Exchange Act of 1948, the implications might be foreign countries still messing with the broadcasts we make. The good of The U.S. Information and Educational Exchange Act of 1948 is that we can keep the broadcasting the way they are supposed to be. Terrorism Information Awareness is a very good and cool thing. This technology watches the moves you make and then determines if you are a threat of committing a terrorist act this is very good for our country as a whole I see no bad coming from this. A false flag is bad because a country could attack us online and make it look like it came from a  different country. I guess it could be good if we use it to attack another county and they think it's also another enemy like ours. The good in five eyes would be keeping our county safe and protecting national security.  

It could affect society as a whole because if you are electing someone into office a lot can change with that decision so that is how propaganda could affect society as a whole. Disinformation could affect society as a whole because someone putting out information that is just not true, to begin with, can they have a domino effect, and then next thing you know you have a bunch of people thinking something is true when actually it is false. The U.S. Information and Educational Exchange Act of 1948 could affect society as a whole because they broadcasted that we out are outwatched for the original to be a watch or listen to if they are tampered with then we might not have the same information as a foreign country. Terrorism Information Awareness will affect society as a whole because it will stop terrorists before they can even make the crime happen. A false flag could affect society as a whole because it could bring us together if we are being attacked. Five eyes affect society as a whole because it is keeping us safe from evil people around the world trying to cause evil acts. 

It could affect different segments such as rich/poor, old/young, male/female, gay/straight, and majority/minority, especially when talking about who we are electing as president when talking about propaganda. When it comes to disinformation and the social classes this could go very bad. If a president lies about who they will actually end up supporting when they get into office then the group they lied about will not be living in comfortable times. The U.S. Information and Educational Exchange Act of 1948 could affect rich/poor, old/young, male/female, gay/straight, majority/minority because if people around the world are not watching the same thing as we are then we are receiving different information and that is not good for the world as a whole we should all be on the same page with important information. Terrorism Information Awareness will affect rich/poor, old/young, male/female, gay/straight, majority/minority all the same everyone will be more protected. A false flag would affect everyone the same if we were under attack. Five eyes keep every group of people safe and are just looking out to keep our national security safe and sound.

Propaganda could affect me because I could be swayed to a different side than I was supporting before. It could affect my family because they could vote for someone who they were not originally going to vote for. My generation could be affected by propaganda because I feel like it is now referred to as fake news so we could be misinformed about a lot of things as a generation. Disinformation could affect me because I could read something that I don't know is true or false to start out with and then end up believing the wrong side because they just disinformed me this could happen to a whole generation and any human reading that article. The U.S. Information and Educational Exchange Act of 1948 could affect me because  I could have a friend in a different country and if we are trying to watch the same movie and his is tampered with then we will be getting two different versions and that would ruin the whole movie this could also happen to all family and friends. Terrorism Information Awareness will affect me my family and my generation all the dame we will be more protected and safe because of it. A false flag would affect me my family and my generation the same because we would have to find out who really was attacking us. Because of five eyes me my family and my generation do not have to worry about evil people doing evil acts.


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