Blog post 5- WEEK 2: Diffusion of Innovations

Garrett Norberg

June 26, 2022


When I think of a new innovation I think of artificial intelligence. I think of this because it is so new we are still finding out new things every day. When I apply the diffusion theory I think it has caught on and spread so fast because it was unlimited potential for problem-solving. Humans have lots of problems and AI can find solutions we could never have thought of.

So many people hoped for the AI wave because many people want to see what it could bring to the table. Those people found out quickly that this new technology is going to change the world. I think some people are late adopters because they didn't hear about it like others or they were scared of what could come from it. 

 Some downsides could be that people lose their lives because a robot goes crazy or was programmed wrong. Another downside could be that a crazy person gets their hands on this technology and uses it for bad instead of good. 

There could be many benefits endless even. I look at it as if you have any problem you put a bunch of data into the technology and it gives you answers you never could have thought of.


I do think the positive would out weight the negative but again I do think it all depends on who is working on the technology and what their motive is.

I weigh the cost-benefit analysis with the new communication technology by thinking about the endless good this new technology could bring to the world and how with the right minds doing the job this could be the answer to life's most interesting questions.


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