Blog post 7- privacy online and off

 Garrett Norberg

June 26, 2022


I watched the video about revenge porn. These issues affect me because watching that video was very scary to think someone would actually blackmail another person with pictures of them naked. This could also affect me in the future because when I have kids I would like for there to be laws set in place so if some guy is threatening my daughter he can get put in prison. With friends and family, I think it affects my family because my parents and brother would be so ashamed if  I were to ever do that to a woman. With friends, I know none of mine would ever do such a nasty act but I hope if they were to ever even think of it they would know the consequences. 

The government should be making laws right now to put creepy guys like her ex in prison. There should be laws defending the women of our country from digital domestic abuse. They should also allow quick action to help any woman who feels threatened. 

Some things we can do to protect ourselves from an invasion of privacy are to put any important personal information out on the internet or all over social media. We can also use VPN services so people cant track you or your passwords or anything important to your life or your family’s.  


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