Blog post 9- Living in the Age of AI

 Garrett Norberg
June 22, 2022

When it comes to our privacy and AI some of the pros are bringing us closer to a future where we can easily purchase food anywhere with just a picture of our face. Another pro would be when AI technology is ready around the world there will be more security for capturing criminals. Some of the cons of AI would be the new technology on people's phones and in

their homes allows companies to track everything they do. Another con is that these huge companies like

Facebook and Google have gathered so much information about everyone in the world and it has given

them too much power and could be very bad if this information ends up in the wrong hands. For national security and AI I really think it is a good thing. With these companies that have multiple

cameras for police.  I believe crime will go down by an immense amount. Many people are scared that

big companies like Google have all the information in the world about us. But on a positive note, I look

at it as if you have nothing to hide what are you scared of? The information gathered on you can be used

to narrow in on your likes for shopping and vacations.

With the new laws that we're passed the right to know and

the right to say no. The right to know is the right to go to any company and ask them what information

that company has gathered about you over the last twelve months. The right to say no is the right to be

able to go onto any company’s website and stop them from selling your information to other companies. 


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