
Showing posts from June, 2022

Blog post 8- EOTO Terms & Concepts

  Garrett Norberg June 26, 2022 (COM-1450-01) For propaganda, the implications are the public being misinformed about a topic or person. This could be very bad as we have seen in past history. For example, Hitler had propaganda that the German people say and agreed with, and look at what happened with that. Some good that could come from it would be a good leader using propaganda to just highlight their strengths of themselves. The implications for disinformation would be a lot of people believing something that is just not true, to begin with. With The U.S. Information and Educational Exchange Act of 1948, the implications might be foreign countries still messing with the broadcasts we make. The good of The U.S. Information and Educational Exchange Act of 1948 is that we can keep the broadcasting the way they are supposed to be. Terrorism Information Awareness is a very good and cool thing. This technology watches the moves you make and then determines if you are a threat of committin

Blog post 7- privacy online and off

  Garrett Norberg June 26, 2022 (COM-1450-01) I watched the video about revenge porn. These issues affect me because watching that video was very scary to think someone would actually blackmail another person with pictures of them naked. This could also affect me in the future because when I have kids I would like for there to be laws set in place so if some guy is threatening my daughter he can get put in prison. With friends and family, I think it affects my family because my parents and brother would be so ashamed if  I were to ever do that to a woman. With friends, I know none of mine would ever do such a nasty act but I hope if they were to ever even think of it they would know the consequences.  The government should be making laws right now to put creepy guys like her ex in prison. There should be laws defending the women of our country from digital domestic abuse. They should also allow quick action to help any woman who feels threatened.  Some things we can do to protect ourse

Blog post 5- WEEK 2: Diffusion of Innovations

Garrett Norberg June 26, 2022 (COM-1450-01) When I think of a new innovation I think of artificial intelligence. I think of this because it is so new we are still finding out new things every day. When I apply the diffusion theory I think it has caught on and spread so fast because it was unlimited potential for problem-solving. Humans have lots of problems and AI can find solutions we could never have thought of. So many people hoped for the AI wave because many people want to see what it could bring to the table. Those people found out quickly that this new technology is going to change the world. I think some people are late adopters because they didn't hear about it like others or they were scared of what could come from it.   Some downsides could be that people lose their lives because a robot goes crazy or was programmed wrong. Another downside could be that a crazy person gets their hands on this technology and uses it for bad instead of good.  There could be many benefits e

Blog post 6- The progressive era.

  Garrett Norberg June 22, 2022 (COM-1450-01) I can safely say that I have never seen or heard an anti-war supporter on tv. I think this is because when it comes to war whether being in one or supporting one as a country it’s mostly about money. I think when it comes down to it really when war is happening between two countries theres only two objectives win and make money doing it.  I also think there is no showing of anti-war on tv because we are mainly fighting small groups of terrorists in comparison to a whole country. We send drones in with guns and missiles and just destroy the terrorists. Another reason that there haven't been any anti-war supporters is that the draft for our military hasn't happened for years. During the Vietnam War, there were a huge number of protests and anti-war supporters. Let's just say we were to go to war with Mexico in two days you better believe if the American people know this is going to happen it will be all over every screen in Americ

Blog post 9- Living in the Age of AI

 Garrett Norberg June 22, 2022 (COM-1450-01) When it comes to our privacy and AI some of the pros are bringing us closer to a future where we can easily purchase food anywhere with just a picture of our face. Another pro would be when AI technology is ready around the world there will be more security for capturing criminals. Some of the cons of AI would be the new technology on people's phones and in their homes allows companies to track everything they do. Another con is that these huge companies like Facebook and Google have gathered so much information about everyone in the world and it has given them too much power and could be very bad if this information ends up in the wrong hands.  For national security and AI I really think it is a good thing. With these companies that have multiple cameras for police.  I believe crime will go down by an immense amount. Many people are scared that big companies like Google have all the information in the world about us. But on a positiv

Blog post 4- ECTO Com Tech Timeline

  Garrett Norberg                   June 22, 2022 (COM-1450-01) Almost 30 years ago in 1992, IBM made the very first smartphone which they named the Simone (Fig.1). In 1994, the first-ever smartphone was available for purchase to the public. This smartphone is not like the ones we all use today.  It was bulky,  and we could definitely not put this phone into your pocket or jacket. There were two individuals at IBM, Martin Cooper and W. Ray Young, who actually design the software and this technology.  (Fig.1) These inventions led to IBM seeing the opportunity to design the phone with touch screen capability. Not only did this phone have the ability for you to touch the screen for the first time in history, but it also had many things that have since become a staple in every smartphone. Some of these features that were on the Simone Personal communicator or SPC include the ability to send and receive emails and faxes. The Simone also had a calendar, address book, native appointment sched

Blog Post 3- Eight Values of Free Expression

     Garrett Norberg 6-19-22 (COM-1450-01) As I was reading and learning about the Eight Values of Free Expression, I could not help but think about the horrific scene on January 6th of last year.   This recollection includes the role social media played during the events leading up to January 6th, during the attack on the Capitol as well as the many post-attack activities such as the arrests, hearings, protests, and media reports.   I will start my key post with the events leading up to the attack on the United States Capitol. President Trump ran for his second term and lost to Joe Biden.  During election time, social media outlets such as. Twitter restricted Trump and other voters from posting comments that were believed to be misstatements or information not factual. This is strange to me because participation in self-government value allows people to communicate their position so there can be an informed debate.  If that is restricted, how can there be an informed debate?  In other

History and workings of the U.S. Supreme Court

Garrett Norberg 6-19-22 (COM-1450-01) I did not know that the supreme court was established in 1789. Also, I had no idea they have the power of judicial review over local, state, executive and legislative decisions. Furthermore, I learned that the supreme court is led by a Chief Justice who is essentially the manager of the rest of the group.  The most important take-away that I took from the supreme court information is about their appointment. They are nominated by the president and must be confirmed by the senate. This makes this process very politically motivated. I remember seeing all over the news information about Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett. I now better understand why there was such an issue about Trump.  There were many surprising and new things that I learned. One of the most was that the justices have lifetime appointments which means they will serve until they die. I also learned that the Chief Justice oversees the president's impeachment trials. I recall the

Top five news sources.

Garrett Norberg  I get most of my news from Youtube podcasts and Social media such as Instagram and Snapchat. The first podcast is the JRE podcast or the Joe Rogan experience podcast on Spotify. I find this podcast to be very interesting and full of endless conversations about literally anything you could think of. Joe recently just got offered 100 Million dollars to switch from Youtube to Spotify so I know I'm not the only one who thinks this podcast is something special. The next news outlet I would like to share that I use is Instagram I think many people are like me and use Instagram for news because you can follow so many different accounts and that allows you to see any type of news you want to be informed about. The Third news outlet I would like to share is Snapchat. I think this is a cool news outlet because it shows you along with your stories what some other news outlets think you should be i